welcome to our Lips service offerings


You can prepare by hydrating, exfoliating and moisturizing for days or weeks leading up to your appointment so your lips are healthy and not chapped or splitting. Also speak to your PCP about getting an oral antiviral (such as Acyclovir) to take for three days before through three days after your procedure. Especially if you have ever had a cold sore or are unsure. Getting a cold sore from this service is likely for those who have the virus.
This is not medical advice and we are not acting as a doctor.

The initial wound healing phase usually takes less than a week for lips, since this is a different tissue than the rest of our skin. Full healing still usually takes 4-6 weeks, or 8-12 weeks for anyone prone to hyperpigmentation, so we don’t do any touch up till after this full healing window. But it’s only the first week or so that you have to follow the provided aftercare while the lips heal at the surface.

Your lips will be tender for the first few days. (A cold compress will soothe them!) It’s important to drink beverages through a clean straw, avoid kissing or letting any pets (ie dogs/cats) near your face, brush your teeth carefully with a gentle, plain/sensitive toothpaste (free of Scope, baking soda, whitening agents or other strong ingredients), avoid anything too hot/cold/spicy/saucy, and eat things that you can cut into nice little bite sized pieces that can be eaten cleanly and carefully with a fork. Once the lips have gone through this initial phase and the peeling has completed, you can resume normal activities – usually less than a week. You will be given an aftercare kit with complete instructions for this process to take home with you at the conclusion of your appointment.

Yes, it will gradually fade over time, but won’t disappear. A touch-up may be desired after 1-3 years to boost the color back up.

Lips, like eyelids, can be more sensitive than most other areas to tattoo, so some discomfort is likely; although most rank it as a 2-4 out of 10, and some topical numbing solutions can be used to help minimize discomfort.

The initial session can take a few hours. The lip tissue is very thin but also very difficult to saturate quickly, so it takes time to build up the pigment saturation appropriately without causing too much trauma to the tissue. Touch ups can be a bit shorter, but can still take a couple hours.


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